Flightpath is training service and methodology for designers to quickly gain the skills they need to work effectively and advance their careers.

Flightpath provides up-to-date lessons on contemporary and in-demand topics in digital: Product, Mobile, SaaS and Web Design, along with creative team management.


Flightpath replaces third-party services Pajasu Design School used for 2+ years and helps avoid manual labour in the production of educational courses.



Sales on online webinars presenting Flightpath compared to older webinars demonstrating LMS (learning management system) currently in use.

Based on statistics for 5 webinars.


Sales through chatbot funnel presenting Flightpath compared to the previous funnel version.

Based on 100 chatbot interactions.

−80 %

Projected cost of producing promotional pages, certificates, social media materials, etc., compared to the current workflow.

Based on time and cost of production prognosis.


New affordable first-purchase funnel product (Flightpath consultation for designers) in addition to existing two.

Every educational course is a path leading to whatever results one is pursuing. Each step on this path can be a journey on its own. In Flightpath, those steps are represented with Cards.

Dive deep into learning

The Card is a lesson full of assorted content, various types of media, and interactive widgets. Every Card is different to maximize the educational effect.

Video tutorials

Images & Galleries

Downloadable media




Interactive widgets

Promotional widgets

Additional info


The Card page looks different for different kinds of users. For unregistered users, it serves as a lesson and course promotion.

Before attending the Card assignment, users get the idea of who is it for and what results it helps to achieve.

The Card page is designed somewhat chat-like — this is a very flexible yet very consistent approach.

There’s always an obvious Call to Action leading to quick and successful assignment completion.

See Next Step widgets below.

The Card contents are revealed as the student progresses through the Card.

1. About the Card

2. Sales widgets

3. The Assignment

4. Educational materials

5. Checklists for self-examination

6. Chat with coach support

7. Selected students' works

8. Bonus content

Basically, every content block on the Card page is a widget.

Not only do widgets help students easily understand complex content, but they also dramatically speed up assembling Cards.

Consultation widget, Cards and Flightpaths widgets offer related experiences.

Card widget

Card animation works smoothly and naturally. Hover the cursor over these Cards.

Making Websites Friendly


Completed lesson

Visual effects in Typography: Lighting

Deadline in 1d 23:59

Current lesson


Elements of Design


New available lesson

Advanced Clipping and Refining

See what's inside

Locked lesson




40−60 min. interviews conducted to find out designer needs.

Interviews converted participants into new clients with a conversion rate of around 8%.


Every element — from widgets to pictures and typography — follows the design system and base 10×10 Grid.

Flightpath replaces third-party services Pajasu Design School used for 2+ years and helps avoid manual labour in the production of educational courses.

Flightpath results from 2+ years of everyday work, and there is so much more I’d enjoy to dive into — yet to be published.

Perceptually uniform colours. A colour space is perceptually uniform if a human perceives a change of hue as the exact change. This allows for generating distinguishable yet consistent colours for Cards and design elements.

Design system. Base grid, logo and branding, widget system, fonts, styling rules and even the tone of voice are designed to be uniform throughout the interface, presentations, and educational and marketing materials.

20+ widgets. Card, Summary, About, Gallery, See if it fits widget, Assignment, Motivational quotes, Videos, Checklist, Files uploading, Commenting & Feedback, Statistics & Achievements, Featured students’ work, Credits, Related Cards & Flightpaths, Rating, and Consultation widget.

Flightpath is a result of 2+ years of everyday work. There’s so much more to dive into yet to be published!

Design System

Perceptually uniform colors

Dynamic colors in Cards

Widget list

Next Step” widgets

Logo & Branding

User profile

Search results

20×20 Grid

Marketing features

and more

Hello, my name is Vadym (vɑ:ˈdi:m).

I am a Digital Product Designer and Design Director with 10+ years of experience developing design for mobile and desktop apps, services, and websites in EdTech and other domains.

I’m looking for a job in Vancouver or a remote job in Canada 🇨🇦.

Feel free to contact me on my LinkedIn profile or send an email if you think we could be a good match.

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